A Break From Blogging and A New Year

(Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash)

Hello everyone!

I’m going to hopefully get back into blogging now after taking a little (quite big) break from here and my Instagram. It’s been so lovely to spend a little time away and relax, but I’m so happy to be back!

I really hope you’ve all had a lovely holiday and a happy new year. Can you believe it’s 2018 already?! I can’t. Last year went so fast, and so many great things happened so I hope this year will be amazing too.

This year I’d really like to do more things with my friends and maybe travel a bit more, I really love the idea of going on mini day or weekend trips to different cities, so I’d love to be able to do that this year.

I’d also absolutely love to print more photos and do some scrapbooking this year, as photography is one of the things I love the most I think it would be really nice to have some of my photos printed out to look through. I think that scrapbooking is also a really nice way to destress as it’s really creative.

Finally this year I’d like to do more fitness! A very typical resolution I know, but one that I think is worth trying to actually carry out. I want to get back into running and do workouts at home during the week.

What are some of your resolutions and plans for this year?

A Cosy, Quizlet Sunday

Photo by Sweta Meininger on Unsplash

Hey guys,

I know I’ve been veeeery inactive on instagram and on here, but I’ve been super-duper busy with school and I’ve also managed to get the usual winter cold which is really making me feel under the weather.

Speaking of the weather, it snowed! I really didn’t think that it would happen, even after the excited whispers of “It’s going to snow tomorrow!” were the only conversations anyone was having at school. I just didn’t think it was possible! It hasn’t snowed where I live for years. so it was really magical to wake up to all of the houses coated in a light dusting of icing sugar. It’s got really heavy, so I went out and played with my siblings for a bit and then came back inside for a cosy hot chocolate and a film.

Then I got on with all of my revision for school. I have lots of exams coming up so I tried to do some work while I had the chance! Somehow it was quite relaxing – I was all curled up and cozy in my bed and learning all of my flashcards on Quizlet.

Now, this isn’t a sponsored post with Quizlet or anything, but I just love it. If you’ve never heard of it, you really should have! It’s perfect for any subject as you can make you own personalised flashcards, and then Quizlet will test you on them and keep showing you the ones you know the least. You can get it as an app or just use the website version, and it’s become my right-hand man. I just type up all the things I need to know and revise them whenever I can to stay on top of my work.

Another great thing about Quizlet is that you can use other people’s flashcards, and they can use yours. This is great if other people in your classes use them, as you can share out the topics and all do a little bit each, then use each other’s flashcards. Even if you don’t know anyone who uses it, you can look up a topic and find loads of other people’s sets for that subject. (so if you’re lazy like me, you don’t have to type up your own cards!)

This is what it looks like:Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 17.19.32Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 17.20.22

Cool, huh?

So, despite feeling ill today I’ve had a super relaxed day sitting in front of the fire and watching the magical snow fall, and I managed to get some work done! I hope you all give Quizlet a go if it seems like your thing, I find it so useful to make sure I know everything for my exams!

Love, Aspyn

Youtubers and Instagrammers You Need To Follow

(Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash)

Hey guys!

So today I thought I would share with you some of my favourite youtubers and instagrammers. I chose these people because I just really love their videos/pictures and I hope you like them too! I think that many of them are kind of unheard of, so hopefully you’ll discover some new cool people through this post!


I found stuffbyJas on youtube a while ago, and her videos are the cutest. She makes covers of songs as well as originals and they are SO GOOD. As well as her amazing voice, I love Jas because she just seems like the coolest person and her videos are so fun. Also her instagram is super edgy and awesome so you should check it out :))

Jas’ Youtube

Jas’ Instagram


Maisie is one of Jas’ friends and their channels are quite similar, but I love Maisie’s videos so much. I feel like she’s really retro and cool and the sort of person I’d like to be friends with. Her originals are amazing just like Jas’, so check them out!

Maisie’s Youtube


Annie’s youtube is gorgeous. She makes cute little videos and vlogs which are so calming and awesome, I really wish I could make videos like hers because they’re just super cool. Oh, and she does gorgeous digital drawings that are so sweet!

Annie’s Youtube

Annie’s Instagram

Marla Catherine

Marla is much more well known than most of these other people so you may have already heard of her, but her videos are so good. They give me a cool 70s kinda vibe, and she’s really funny too.

Marla’s Youtube

Marla’s Instagram

Haley Pham

Haley is one of my absolute faves. Her youtube is so nice, she makes dance videos, study videos, fashion videos… And they’re all so lovely. Whenever I’m sad or bored I always go and watch her videos because they make me so happy. Oh, and she makes videos about Christianity too! If you’re a Christian or are interested in the Christian faith you should definitely go and watch her, because her videos have helped me so much with my bible studies and belief! And her instagram is just perfect. So look at that too.

Haley’s Youtube

Haley’s Instagram


I found cat through Dodie Clark (doddleoddle on youtube) and her videos are so satisfying, They’re basically just aesthetic heaven in every video, and her instagram is no different. If you like edgy vibes and things like that then definitely check her out.

Cat’s Youtube

Cat’s Instagram

The Michalaks

The Michalaks are a little vlogging family on youtube, except their videos are so well made. Stef Michalak is a videographer so their videos are all really high quality and well put together, and so pleasing to watch. Also, they’ve just had an adorable baby, so go and watch them for a cuteness overload!

The Michalaks’ Youtube

Stef’s Instagram

Hannah’s Instagram

Somewhere Devine

The Devine family are very similar to the Michalaks, but their videos are much more travel based and less vlog like. Their videos are so gorgeous and so are their children, so you should definitely watch them!

The Devine’s Youtube

Brad’s Instagram

Hailey’s Instagram


So Yzzy’s instagram is everything and more. She seems so sweet and lovely, and I have no clue how she doesn’t have a million followers. Everything about her account is gorgeous, so please follow her!

Yzzy’s Instagram


Another little Instagram and youtuber, is perksoflaur! I found her youtube a couple of weeks ago and it is so lovely. She seems like the sweetest person so her videos are so lovely to watch. Also she makes study videos which are really helpful!

Laur’s Youtube

Laur’s Instagram

Laur’s Studygram

Well, that was long! I really hope you check these lovey people out and enjoy them as much as I do.

Love, Aspyn

Autumn Haul


Hello everyone!

So to continue with my autumn-obsessive blog posts, I thought I would make a little autumn haul as I’ve bought quite a few things over the past few weeks. I’ve also included some little flatlays for you all – I’ve never done them before but I think they turned out pretty good!


These tortoise shell glasses I got from Amazon to use as a photography prop – to include in flatlays and also to use in portrait photography, but I really like wearing them as normal glasses! I don’t need glasses so these ones have clear plastic lenses, but they look really cute as an accessory.


Onto the items in this photo! The first thing I got was this flower lip gloss from Tiger. It’s a dupe for the ones you can get at urban outfitters and it’s really cute because it has real flowers in it! I will say that the actual lip gloss isn’t the nicest but it looks really cute as a photo prop so I’ll definitely use it for that.

These scrunchies I got in a pack of three from Accessorise and I love them so much! Since I cut my hair short I’ve been looking for some cute scrunchies to wear for school as regular hair bobbles don’t do a great job at holding my hair back. These are perfect and I really love them.

Next I got this star choker from Hema. It’s a bit difficult to see on the photo but it’s really dainty and sweet, and is perfect for me as I am kinda obsessed with everything with stars on it!

Finally I got this green stag top from Primark. I really like the autumnal colour and it looks really cute with jeans and a cardigan. I also got a navy and mustard checkered shirt which I am obsessed with, but I didn’t manage to get a picture of it!


Also from Primark I got these little slipper footsie things, and I love them to bits. They’re so fluffy and soft, and they look like bears. How could you resist?! They haven’t been off my feet since I bought them, and they keep my feet so cosy and warm.

Again from Primark (can you tell I spend my life in there?) I got some star fairy lights. When I saw these and realised my star, copper and fairy light obsessions had all mixed, I couldn’t contain myself! They are adorable and make my room so lovely and cosy.


This Hollister hoodie is my new obsession. I grabbed it in the sale for £13 (down from £35) and it is the best thing! I’m so happy I managed to grab it before they sold out. I haven’t taken it off. It’s really simple but really soft and warm, and I love the little thumb holes in the cuffs. I’m so happy I managed to get it so cheap because it’s such nice quality!

Finally, probably the most exciting thing in this haul – MY KANKEN. This bag is so. Freaking. Cute. I’ve been taking so many pictures of it and using it all the time, it’s just so gorgeous! After lots of debating I chose to get it in navy and I’m so happy with it! It’s just my favourite thing right now.

So, have you got any cute things for Autumn? Please tag me on Instagram (@happilyaspyn) or leave a comment below!

Love, Aspyn


Falling for Autumn

(Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash)

Not quite sure if that pun in the title works… but I’m rolling with it anyway. So Autumn has come round so fast this year, I can’t quite believe it! One day I was having barbecues and wearing flowy dresses, the next my shoes are covered in leaves from red to golden brown. And don’t get me wring – I’m hardly complaining! Apart from the cold that I’m going down with right now, I’m relishing every tiny bit of Autumn. It’s my favourite season by far, and also my birthday season eek! So, I thought it would be necessary to make a whole post dedicated to it, and all my favourite things about it.

Firstly I can’t get over how pretty it is. All the greens, reds, auburns, golds, browns – it’s all gorgeous. Like, apart from all the rain, what isn’t there to love about Autumn weather?

The clothes. I love the clothes! All the wooly jumpers and pinafores, scarfs and boots just make me so happy because it’s like an excuse to dress really comfortably, but still look kind of dressed up if that makes sense.

And the food, oh the food. The hot chocolate and gingerbread, the warm soups – I love that butternut squash is in season so I can make lots of soup. You can eat lots of junk food and get away with it, because it all comes with the cosy vibe, right?!

Hygge. If you haven’t heard of hygge, you’re going to be blessed right now. Hygge is a danish word, and includes all things cosy, happy, and family. Hygge in autumn means candles, warm blankets, evenings in front of the tv, family time and fairy lights. Lots of fairy lights. Just search it on pinterest if you’re not already hooked.

Did I mention the fairy lights? I have so many fairy lights and I love it. It just makes everything extra extra cosy! If you’re looking for some, my go-to place is Primark because they have lots of different ones and they’re all really cheap.

And finally, Autumn means it’s nearly Christmas! I am so excited for Christmas this year, because I love the festive spirit. It just all makes me so happy.

Love, Aspyn

How To Be Organised (and Free Printable!)

Hello everyone!

Now that school has started up again its been a bit difficult for me to get back into a routine of being organised at doing my work. I’m naturally quite an organised person, so I’ve managed to settle back into routine now. However, I know it isn’t so easy for everyone so I thought I would share some tips. I’ve also made a printable for you all to use to stay on top of your tasks!

1. Use a homework planner.

My school provides us each with a homework planner for the year, and I’m telling you its a lifesaver. I know people who don’t bother using theirs, and they never manage to get their work done on time (or at all) so if you have one, I would definitely recommend making use of it. If your school doesn’t give you a planner then I would suggest buying a notebook to use to write down all the work that’s been set and any important notes for each week.

2. Plan when you’re going to do everything.

This is when a to do list comes in handy. At the weekends, I really like to write down everything I need to and when – for example tidy room in the morning, do history homework after lunch and so on. This really helps me to get everything done as I can keep referring back to the list throughout the day. It also means that I won’t forget anything that needs to be done, which usually happens if I try to keep a mental list.

3. Avoid distractions.

I know this can be really hard for some people, but I think it’s one of the most important tips for getting things done. When I do my homework, I put my phone on silent and in another room so I’m not tempted to look at it, and usually don’t listen to music as it affects my concentration ( I always end up dancing instead of working!). If you usually work on a computer or use your phone for research, I would suggest working differently so that there’s no way that you can get distracted by looking at social media when you’re supposed to be writing an essay. I do this by hand-writing my work and using textbooks for information. Call me old-fashioned, but it works. And if you absolutely need to use the internet, you could try installing a website or app blocker which you can use to stop you being able to look at distracting websites like Twitter.

4. Give yourself breaks.

Not only does this motivate you to actually do your work, it prevents procrastination. Set yourself some tasks to do, and tell yourself that when you’re done you can have a reward like watching some youtube or eating cake. This really helps me to motivate myself to get my homework done and is really effective for time management if you’re reasonable (and don’t give yourself breaks every few minutes!) If you really struggle with having too many breaks and not enough working time, try the pomodoro method. There’s a really good explanation of it here.

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! I thought I would make a little ‘to do list’ template that you can print out and use to write down all of your tasks. It’s even autumn-themed seeing as we’re entering that season now. You can download my printable right here!

Love, Aspyn

Fun For Your Feet with Say It With A Sock

Hello everyone!

So this is a different kind of post for me, as I don’t usually write about socks – but here we are! The awesome people at Say It With A Sock were so kind as to send me some of their socks to show you. I think we can all agree that socks are a fairly boring subject, but I personally think that Say It With A Sock is one of the coolest brands I’ve ever come across.

If you’re not already familiar with it, Say It With A Sock is a sock subscription service that sends you socks every month. They work with bespoke brands to find the coolest and quirkiest designs for their customers. Some of the awesome things about them include:

  • Its cheaper than buying socks at the shops
  • It makes an amazing gift (that keeps on giving!)
  • You get a surprise every month as to what you’ll get.

And without further ado, here are the socks!


turqoise socks

All the socks they sent me are super cool and really comfy too! I would definitely recommend Say It With A Sock to anyone who is trying to find a gift for someone – as you can pick from men’s, women’s and kid’s subscriptions, it’s perfect for anyone.

Also, I strongly suggest you check out their Instagram because it’s so cool!

Love, Aspyn

MOA Green Balm Review

Hi guys!

So the lovely people at the Magic Organic Apothecary, aka MOA, have kindly sent me their Daily Cleansing Ritual product and I thought I would review it on here.

Just as a little disclaimer, I’m going to say that all of these opinions are my own and completely honest. I am so thankful that MOA sent me their product to review.


The package comes in a little tube and inside it contains a 50ml tub of The Green Balm as well as a bamboo face cloth. Now, let me tell you – this cloth is the softest thing I’ve ever felt! It feels so nice on your skin. There’s a slightly rougher side to use first and then an incredibly soft side to finish with.

I’ll start by saying that this product is so versatile. It’s suitable for both oily and dry skin, it’s all natural and can be used to remove makeup or as a daily cleanser. You can also use it to calm rashes and eczema, relieve insect bites and restore dry lips or skin. I think this product could honestly be a life saver to everyone! I’m sure it’ll come in handy for so much during the winter months, but today I chose to use it as a morning cleanser and followed the instructions on the back of the box to use it.


I started by melting some of the balm between my fingers until it became an oil, then I massaged it all over my face. I dipped the cloth in warm water and wiped off the excess oils before putting the cloth in cold water and using the softer side to close up my pores.

Just after using the balm this morning, my face feels so clean and hydrated, and super smooth. I have a feeling that this might become my holy grail of skin products, purely because of how much you can use it for and also how effective it is. The Daily Cleansing Ritual can be found here from MOA London.

Love, Aspyn

Letting My Creativity Flow

Hey Guys!

I thought I would make a blog post about what things I’ve been doing recently to let my creativity flow. I know it sounds strange, but bear with me.

I’ve always thought that I am a creative person. Ever since I was little I’ve loved creating things, whether it was drawing a picture, writing a song with my friends or staying up all night making bracelets. As I’ve grown older it’s allowed me to express myself in so many different ways and I feel it’s one of the reasons why I have so many hobbies. I love to spend my weekends baking and crocheting; taking photos or learning new songs on my guitar.

But I’ve find that sometimes it’s really difficult to be creative. Sometimes you just get a creative block – you just can’t find inspiration or the motivation to do things. Frankly, it’s one of the things I hate the most. However, when I regain that motivation, my head fills with ideas and projects that I want to do right away.

So, I think I’ve reached that point again where the creative juices are spilling out of me and I’m so happy it’s it the Summer because I have so much time to let my creativity flow. And this blog post is essentially me sharing all that with you!

The first thing I’ve been doing is this woodland crochet blanket. I started it about a month ago and was so into it, but I lost inspiration halfway through and put it to one side. Now I’ve finished it all off, and I just need to do a bit more on the border before its completely finished. (If you want to make one of these, my main inspiration came from here.

I’ve found loads of crafty inspiration on Pinterest (my favourite website in the world) and so here’s a couple of things I made from there.

Firstly this Van Gogh inspired painted pocket. I did this on a pair of my dad’s old jeans that he doesn’t wear anymore and I was so pleased with the result! I used Van Gogh’s original painting as a reference.

Then I made this embroidery piece. It’s inspired by the works of Sheena Liam, who is the artist of the first picture. I made my version my picking and image and tracing the outline onto my fabric, then sewing along the lines before doing all the hair free-hand. I love the way it turned out and I want to make so many more with different hairstyles!


I made this mountain wall hanging to replace an old picture on my bedroom wall. I used this pattern from Mama In A Stitch and a piece of driftwood that I found on holiday. I’m quite happy with the way it turned out, although I need to replace those nasty picture hooks with a smaller one. It goes really well with my photo string and fairy lights.


I also customised this notebook from Muji with some washi tape dots (tape also from Muji). I’m telling you, it took forever! I had to cut out and stick each dot individually – but I’m really happy I took the time to do it because I love the way it looks. I’m going to use this notebook for bullet journaling: a new project I’m venturing out on. I’ll most likely be writing some posts on my progress with it!


Finally, if you’ve been following my Instagram, you’ll also know that I did a little bit of henna, which is one of my favourite ways to get creative in the summer. I was really happy with how it turned out.

Well, that was a super long post! I hope I’ve been able to give you a little bit of inspiration to do something creative too – however you like to express yourself. If you recreate any of these projects then please show me! You can tag me on Instagram @happilyaspyn.

Love, Aspyn